The Sunday Poem: “A Jazz Drinker” by Ermira Mitre Kokomani
My friend is a Blues singer,
I am a Jazz drinker,
boozing shots after shots,
I never get drunk with Jazz.
March 16th, 2024
My friend is a Blues singer,
I am a Jazz drinker,
boozing shots after shots,
I never get drunk with Jazz.
March 16th, 2024
Over 60 poets from all over the world celebrate their love of jazz…in poetry.
...April 7th, 2022
Molly Larson Cook’s abstract-expressionist paintings accompany the 50 poets contributing to this collection. Her art has much in common with the poetry and music found within it; all three art forms can be described as “landscapes of the imagination,” created by artists from all over the world who are inspired in a meaningful way by jazz music, and whose work can be uniquely interpreted and appreciated (or not!) by those who consume it.
...December 10th, 2021
In this winter collection of diverse themes and poetic styles, 55 poets wander the musical landscape to explore their spirit and enthusiasm for jazz music, its historic figures, and the passion, sadness, humor and joy it arouses.
...February 25th, 2021
In the heavy burden of snow,
when pearly whiteness covers the Earth’s soul,
when jazz music curtails our hearts,
it melts the ice inside;
February 17th, 2021
On the cusp of an election of consequence the likes of which America hasn’t experienced for 150 years, and in the midst of continued Black Lives Matter protests and an indisputable surge of COVID, 29 poets sharing perspectives from all over the world contribute to this volume of poetry reflecting our tumultuous, unsettling era…
...October 29th, 2020
“Baby Hendrix Howl” by C.J. Trotter
The Sunday Poem is published weekly, and strives to include the poet reading their work....
C.J. Trotter reads her poem at its conclusion
Click here to read previous editions of The Sunday Poem
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For viewing my long range vision for Jerry Jazz Musician, please click here.
Thank you!
Joe Maita